Entries by mreal

Le covid et la danse au 8 janvier 2021

La nouvelle loi sur les mesures de lutte contre la pandémie Covid-19 votée ce vendredi 8 janvier 2021 prévoit un allègement des mesures entrées en vigueur le 26 décembre 2020. Alors que les mesures s’assouplissent, cet assouplissement est strictement encadré posant la question de l’organisation pratique de certaines activités. En effet, en ce qui concerne […]

THE (UN)TIRING PANDEMIC : DANCE DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS The impact of Covid-19 on the field of dance activities: What about the consequences of government restrictions in the fight against Covid-19?

In April 2020, the European Olympic Committees (EOC) concluded that “sport has the potential to make a significant contribution, paving the way for a return to normality, especially for children and young people”. From private dance schools to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, sport practices have been disrupted by the COVID-19 health crisis and are […]

THE SHADOW PANDEMIC : Violence against women during COVID-19

The COVID19 crisis phase was particularly difficult for victims of domestic violence, and in particular women and girls who are confronted with situations of abuse. The many confinement measures forced families to live closely together and resulted in increased tensions. In addition, the structures in place to rescue potential victims and the consultation centers were […]


The state of emergency has been declared, the schools will remain closed for an indefinite period of time, nothing continues “as usual”. What does this imply for separated parents? March 27th, 2020 The state of emergency was declared by a grand-ducal regulation dated March 18th, 2020 and limits any movement outside of home. What about […]


Le gouvernement luxembourgeois a pris de nombreuses mesures en vue de contenir la propagation du COVID-19 et a décrété l’état d’urgence. Que cela signifie-t’il pour vous ? 26 mars 2020 La liberté de circulation est une pierre angulaire de l’Union européenne et fait partie intégrante de notre mode de vie. Cependant, la situation actuelle impose […]


The Government of Luxembourg has taken numerous measures in view of containing the spread of COVID-19 and declared the state of emergency. What does this mean for you?  26th March 2020 Freedom of movement is a cornerstone of the European Union and an integral part of our way of life. However, the current situation imposes great […]

Real, Avocats à la Cour : Criminal court case

During the trial that was held on April 23rd, 2019, I was honoured to represent a young woman who became a victim of sexual assault in September 2016 in Luxembourg. I hope that my support will allow to end the silencing of victims of sexual abuse, even if only a little bit. It is a […]